El Schamma Foundation International

Haiti’s Official Terminal Grade Exams for 2024-2025 Two Students React

The 2023-2024 school Year was punctuated by several irregularities. Insecurity in the full swing in Haiti profoundly affected the entire education system, during this year. from February to April 2024, in the areas of Artibonite and Quest, school...

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a mother and a children

Life of Dieujuste Junette: Challenges of a Single Mother

Dieujuste Junette, a mother with a heavy burden. Dieujuste Junette lives in Gatreau, Gonaives, Haiti. She has 5 children. Unfortunately, none of these children are taken care of by their fathers, leaving Junette a single mother, upon speaking to...

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a field of green

Challenges in Bayonnais’ Agriculture: Leek Farming

Bayonnais is a village in Gonaives, Haiti. In this locality, people are of small means. They have no major activities that could earn them money. That government ignores their existence. This is the same in every village in Haiti. They are...

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