A Brighter Future for Generations to Come

Who We Are

We have been Grassroots Organization since 2008 till 2024, dedicated to making a difference through education. Now, El Schamma Foundation International, we passionately pursue our mission to provide education for the nations. Our commitment extends to serving both children and adults in underserved areas, recognizing the transformative power of knowledge. We invite you to join us in our endeavor to make education accessible to all, transcending barriers of background and circumstance.

father teaching the child
female kid smiling

Mission Statement

Our mission is to empower the underprivileged generation of children and youth with the hope of living a prosperous tomorrow through aiding in education, life skills, healthcare solutions, and financial literacy. We at EIF, believe that children are the future with the help of Gods we can build a better world. Proverb 22: 6 states, “Train a child in the way he should go: even when he is old, he will not depart from it.” EIF's mission is the hope to bring change in underserved and marginalized communities in the hope of a better Nation.

Vision Statement

To provide support for the educational needs of underserved individuals and organizations around the world. One is never too young to learn; encourage exploration. One is never too old to learn; together we can accomplish much. Everyone learns differently; learn to teach. We need one another, don’t give up yet. There is more to it than what the eye can see; seek to understand.